FARMS partnership finalist in NSF competition
A group led by NDSU has reached the final round of a competition that could bring $160 million over 10 years.
The regional collaborative partnership known as FARMS (Northern Plains AgTech Engine for Food systems Adapted for Resiliency and Maximized Security) has reached the final stage of a nationwide competition that will provide winning teams with $160 million funding over 10 years. FARMS is one of sixteen projects selected as finalists.
“NDSU and Fargo will be a great location for Xurban 2025,” said. “We were impressed by the many great industry, government, and community partnerships in the area and NDSU’s reputation as a trusted source for innovation and commercialization.”
NDSU to host UIDP Xurban 2025 conference in Fargo
Full news here.
Showcasing NDSU Research
BisonSpark Talks
October 16, 23, and 30th 3PM
BisonSpark Talks are 5 minute stories about research happening in various disciplines on campus. They are followed by Q&A with the goal of truly sparking interest, ideas, and even collaborations.
Curiosity Week
October 9th - 12th
The NDSU Innovation Tour. Panels on “Could Fargo-Moorhead be the Next Bioscience Hub?” and more. Keynote on “How Will We Grow Food on Mars?”
Native American languages
As an academic, Colleen Fitzgerald’s scholarly work, service and outreach has used her expertise in linguistics to support Native American language communities in their efforts to revitalize and document their languages. Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), projects include partnering with the Chickasaw Language Revitalization Program, co-directing the Oklahoma Breath Life Workshop (2012-2014), directing the Institute on Collaborative Language Research (CoLang 2014) as well as a current NSF award, “Strengthening Capacity in Dynamic Language Infrastructure for Tribal Nations.” From 2015-2019, Colleen served as a Program Director at NSF while on detail from the University of Texas at Arlington. During her four-year rotation in NSF's Directorate of Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE), she managed an inter-agency partnership, Documenting Endangered Languages, funded jointly with the NEH. She served as the inaugural associate editor, founding the Language Revitalization and Documentation section of the Linguistic Society of America journal, Language. North Dakota has five sovereign tribal nations representing rich linguistic diversity, and remaining funds from the current NSF will be put toward a North Dakota Language Summit.